Living Proof, Galatians 5:16-25

Derek Harm - 2/11/2024


Those who belong to Christ are keeping in step with the Spirit which results in fruit.

In other words…There will be living proof of walking by the Spirit.


1. Are you currently battling any of these works of the flesh in your life? Has the Holy Spirit put His finger on any “over-desires” in your life that are not “in step” with Him? If “yes” to these questions, how will you move forward knowing the gospel of grace? 

2. Would you say that others close to you are noticing the fruit of the Spirit in your life? How would you explain to someone what it means to “live by the Spirit”?


Remember to Whom you belong. Any persuasion to go back to the desires or works of the flesh is not from Him who calls you. Stand firm in the freedom that Christ has gained for you. Maximize this freedom by serving one another in love. Keep walking in the Spirit and eagerly waiting by faith for the hope of righteousness. Being in step with the Spirit means being incarnational, letting the person and word of Christ live in you and through you.

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